How to extend your BlackBerry Battery life

Try this following steps to extend your BlackBerry Battery life:

  1. Options > Screen/Keyboard > Backlight Brightness -> (set to no higher than 50) --My setting: 10-- (effect = high)
  2. Options > Screen/Keyboard > Auto Dim Backlight -> this setting also brightens the backlight automatically beyond the above setting. Therefore, set above to as low as possible and enable this setting which will auto brighten when needed.
  3. Options > Screen/Keyboard > Backlight timeout -> Set to 30 seconds or lower --My setting 20sec-- (effect = medium)
  4. Options > Screen/Keyboard > LED coverage indicator -> set to off. (effect = low)
  5. Options > Screen/Keyboard > Key tone -> set to off (effect = low)
  6. Options > Screen/Keyboard > Audible roll -> set to off (effect = low)
  7. Profiles > Advanced > (Active) > If vibrate feature is used for phone, sms, IM's BBM's etc. Set Number of Vibrations to no more than 2 and for best battery life 1. (effect = high)
  8. Repeat step 6 for Number of Beeps (e.g set to 1 and set volume to high or set as 2 and set volume to medium...) (effect = medium)
  9. Profiles > Advanced > (Active) -> Set all Out of Holster profiles are set to Tone only. As much as possible avoid using vibrate or vibrate+tone for Out of holster. Here is were you'll need to enable repeat notification/LED flashing. (effect = high)
  10. Profiles > Advanced > (Active) > Repeat Notification -> For those who use a hip-mounted holster set LED flashing to None under the In holster profile. (effect = medium)

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