How to Set Your BlackBerry Browser

BlackBerry browser setting sometimes could be a problem for a new BlackBerry user.
Follow this instructions below to set your BlackBerry browser. For BIS user choose Internet Browser, otherwise for BES user, choose Internet Browser or BlackBerry User.

Thank you Mr. Johanes AK Rizky for the screen shoot :-).
Note: Arnaz using BlackBerry 8700, this following steps may vary for other BlackBerry models.

1. Click -> Browser Menu from your BlackBerry Main Menu

2. Choose -> Option
3. Choose -> Browser Configuration
4. In Browser Confirguration tab choose -> Internet Browser in your BlackBerry handset
5. Choose -> Save Options
6. Click General Properties tab and do excactly the same thing, choose -> Internet Browser
7. At Default Browser, do this following steps:
8. Don't forget to Save Options

9. Start all over again, choose -> Options
10. Choose -> Advance Option
11. On BlackBerry Browser tab, choose -> Internet Browser
12. Save Option, and congratulation.... you're done

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